The Smiths Chapel and Bolock Farm offer a range of services from Weddings and Receptions to Funerals and more.
Call for Pricing – All day access to Smith’s Chapel and Bolock Farms
$850 — Smith’s Chapel only
$3,950 — Smith’s Chapel and Farm
Includes 3 day access to both the Chapel and Farm (for events in 2023)
We also offer hourly options for photo shoots. Need a location for a short period of time to take Graduation photos, or anything else? We can make the property available for $150 per hour.
Our Portfolio
We take pride in both The Smith’s Chapel and Bolock farms. To that end, we have done the best we can to take professional photographs of both.
While we have done our best to capture the essence and nuances of each property, it’s true that photos cannot due true justice to the experience that we offer.
Feel free to browse through our photos, but don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment for a tour of our grounds. You’ll be glad you did!